Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Back to Motion has two convenient Physical Therapy clinics in the Denver Metro area, one in Central Denver and one in Englewood. Our main physical therapy clinic is in Denver just off of 6th and Washington at 616 Washington Street, No. 100. There is on street parking available on 6th Avenue. The phone number for the Denver Physical Therapy clinic is 303.832.5577. Appointments are available Monday through Friday.

Our other Physical Therapy clinic is in the Cherry Hills Medical Arts Building at 3535 South Lafayette Street, Suite 106 in Englewood, CO located just off of Hampden and Downing, This physical therapy clinic offers easy access from the south metro area. The phone number for this location is 303.478.2085. Appointments are available Monday through Thursday 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM.

How long are the appointments and what should I expect?

You will need to complete the Patient Form before your treatment begins. Each appointment will last for 45 minutes to an hour with a licensed physical therapist. During the initial evaluation you will receive a thorough examination to determine the cause of the pain. The physical therapist will review with you the cause of your discomfort and discuss with you the best way to approach treating your problem. You will then receive an individualized treatment and exercise program. Most patients are seen twice per week until the problem begins to lessen and then one time per week until satisfactory results occur.

What should I wear?

You should make sure to wear casual, loose fitting clothes that will allow your physical therapist the ability to see how your body moves and be able to access the areas of pain. Dress as if you were going to work out or going for a walk. We may ask that you put on one of our gowns or shorts once you arrive at the clinic.

What insurance do you accept?

Back To Motion Physical Therapy is proud to accept insurance plans from the following insurance providers: Medicare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield HMO and PPO, United Healthcare, Cigna HMO and PPO, Humana, PHCS, Mountain Medical Affiliates, Fortis, and other companies. We can access out of network for Sloans Lake and Pacific Care.

Can I pay cash for the treatment?

If you chose not to utilize your insurance plan we charge the following: $95 for an initial evaluation, $95 for an hour, $80 for 45 minutes and $65 for 30 minutes. Fee is collected at time of treatment. We gladly accept, cash, checks or credit cards.

What is Pilates?

Physical therapy will correct joint dysfunction in the spine and other areas of the body, while Pilates develops the muscles to stabilize the body in the new, corrected alignment. Pilates-based exercises will retrain weak and dysfunctional muscles to improve stabilization and increase flexibility in the spine, shoulders, hips and knees to establish strong and proper postural alignment. We currently share our Golden Triangle clinic with a pilates studio called Pilates Aligned, Inc. and have found tremendous success with the linking of pilates and physical therapy. If you would like more information about the helpful benefits of pilates with physical therapy please do not hesitate to call us.

Our Therapeutic Package is designed for those physical therapy patients who would benefit from Pilates. The $500 Package includes 4 Physical Therapy sessions (1 evaluation and 3 follow ups), 5 private therapeutic Pilates sessions, and 3 fundamental Pilates mat classes. The package price of $500 has been discounted for cash pay patients to make the transition from PT to Pilates both safe and affordable.

Do you make Orthotics?

Back to Motion Physical Therapy is excited to now offer custom orthotics. The orthotics are fabricated at Sole Supports. The theory behind these orthotics is to ensure that the weight of the body is loaded over the foot and the big toe at push off. This allows greater efficiency during walking and running. It also minimizes forces that go through the low back during gait. The use of Sole Support orthotics can address plantar fascitis, neuromas, knee pain and low back pain. The cost of the orthotics is $250 with a $50.00 discount on the second pair. Please call if you interested or want to learn more.

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