Core strength helps in providing a solid, strong foundation for the movement within the extremities of the body.

core strength

What is the “Core” of the Body?

The “core” is a highly-specialized group of muscles that are directly responsible for stabilizing the pelvis, the shoulder region, and the spine.

Muscles that are considered the “core” of the body are those located in the back, the hip area, and the abdominal cavity.

Your core allows you to stand in an upright position. It allows you to walk. It is an area that controls movements, aids in the transitioning of energy, successfully shifts weight, and allows you to move in any of the directions that you desire.

Having a strong core helps to successfully distribute the stress that comes from bearing weight and provides optimal protection to the back.

The Central Link

The core is considered the central link of the body. It’s like a chain that helps to connect the upper and lower regions.

Regardless of what type of physical activity you engage in, one of two things are occurring; the movements that you perform are either originating within the core of the body or the movements that you perform are moving through the core of the body.

What Happens if You Have a Weak Core?

There are many complications that may occur if the core of your body is not strong. First, your arms and/or your legs may experience some degree of physical impairment. This is due to weakness and levels of inflexibility of the muscles within the core.

If your core is weak, you may find that you fall more often or that you often suffer from injuries. Additionally, the overall power of the body may be detrimentally impacted.

When researching “why is core strength important?” you will find that the “core” of your body is at the “core” of nearly everything that you do. The following lists a few of the ways that your core helps your body work. You are working your core when you do the following:

  • Bending, Sitting, and Standing
  • Activities of Daily Living Such as Showering
  • Lifting and Twisting
  • Playing Sports
  • Reaching, Pushing, and Pulling
  • Maintaining Balance
  • Posture

Core Strength Exercises

Core strength exercises are crucial because the muscles in the core of your body are the base support system for the entire body – in one way or another.

These muscles surround and fully support the pelvis and the spine. They connect the top of your body to the bottom of your body, which helps in transferring various forces from one region to another region.

Core strength exercises help to prevent injuries and the onset of medical complications that impact the body.

Additionally, core strength exercises help increases your level of awareness of the muscles that are part of the area.

Core Strength Training

In order to succeed at core strength training, it is important to complete core strength exercises underneath the direction of a physical therapist.

While you may perform training on your own, it is not advised.

You should first learn how to complete the exercises correctly before attempting them on your own. Examples of some of the most common core strength training exercises include the following:

Supine Abdominal Area Draw In – To perform this core strength exercise, you lie on the back with your knees up. Make sure that your feet are placed flat down on that which you are lying. Then, you push your lower back into the surface you are on while pulling in the ab muscles. You should repeat this exercise up to 20 times.

Press Ups – You will need to lie on your stomach with your legs extended out. The hands should be placed in the palm-down position in the area over where the shoulders are. Push yourself up as far as comfortable. Hold and repeat 10 times.

Supine Twist – Lie back facing down and ensure the hips and the knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Draw in the abdominal region and rotate the knees from one side to another. You should repeat up to 20 times.

People with pain might have trouble with core exercises at first. Watch as Bob and Brad explain the progression of press ups.

If you are wondering, “why is core strength important?”, want to know how to do core strength exercises, or are ready to start a core strength training regimen, contact us today for more information.


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