Looking for a way to beat the winter blues and keep up with your workout? Here’s a great way to stay out of hibernation mode. Simple indoor workouts can really fit the bill when it’s too cold to enjoy the fresh air and nature.

This simple graphic shows you 8 simple exercises to get that winter workout in and stay strong. If you can’t do repetitions of 30 of each exercise, start with 5. Go slow and mind your breathing for better cardio endurance.

To make sure you’re slow and breathing, take a deep breath in, exhale with the 1st movement of the exercise and count to seven. Count to seven again and hold at the stopping point of the exercise. Then inhale counting another seven at the last half of the exercise.

7 minute workout

Seven is the magic number for today. If you need a workout with more instruction, follow along with our 7 Minute Workout

7 Minutes? Now there’s no reason to miss our workouts in the winter. There are instructions for each of the 12 exercises in this workout. Play the video and follow along if you want to be sure you’re doing it right.

Stay in shape and get a great workout this winter without facing the elements. If you need more help or if pain is stopping you from getting the exercise you need this winter, give us a call and see what options we have for you.

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