
Physical Therapy for Sinus Problems

Physical Therapy for Sinus Problems

There are many different types of sinus problems that impact individuals. If you are reading this, chances are, you suffer from one or more of these issues. Chronic sinusitis – alone – impacts in excess of 31 million people throughout the United States. That is just...

Elbow Pain Causes: 10 Types of Elbow Injuries

Elbow Pain Causes: 10 Types of Elbow Injuries

There are many different types of injuries that can cause elbow pain in adults. Symptoms of these injuries include swelling, inflammation, and of course, pain. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, read on to find the possible cause. The elbow joint is...

Does Physical Therapy Help Your Joints?

Does Physical Therapy Help Your Joints?

Physical therapy is very effective at treating joint conditions and diseases. It can help your muscles become stronger and much more flexible. It can also help alleviate joint pain, and train your body to perform activities without complication. Joint conditions are...

Physical Therapy for Hip Pain Caused by Arthritis

Physical Therapy for Hip Pain Caused by Arthritis

There are many causes of hip pain, but the most common is arthritis. More specifically, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis causes inflammation of the joint of the hip. This then leads to the breakdown of the cartilage that cushions the bones of the...

What is Shoulder Rehab?

What is Shoulder Rehab?

Shoulder rehab is a type of general conditioning program that is designed to provide a vast array of exercises designed to assist individuals after experiencing an injury or having surgery. It aids in ensuring that person is able to quickly return to their daily...

Can TMJ Go Away on Its Own?

Can TMJ Go Away on Its Own?

The symptoms of TMJ have the potential to go away on their own as long as the underlying cause of the issue is addressed. It's possible to be free of TMJ for good with the right treatment. How Long Does It Take for TMJ to Go Away? If one experiences TMJ symptoms,...

CBD Benefits and Uses

CBD Benefits and Uses

Cannabidiol (CBD) is quickly becoming one of the most popular remedies for a large assortment of physical ailments and psychological-based complications. CBD benefits are numerous according to new studies. From anxiety to seizures to cancer, CBD oil is making...

Physical Therapy can Improve Football Performance

Physical Therapy can Improve Football Performance

Football season is completely upon us. As you read this, athletes that specialize in football everywhere are currently engaging in physical training methods, technical aspects of the game, and tactical training in order to perform optimally on the field. In fact, you...

What Issues Does Dry Needling Treat?

What Issues Does Dry Needling Treat?

Dry needling – which may be referred to as “intramuscular manual therapy”/IMT or “trigger point dry needling”/TDN is a procedure that utilizes a small needle in order to penetrate a trigger point within a muscle. This causes that muscle to go into a contraction and...


What Causes Neck Pain and How a Physical Therapist Can Help 

What Causes Neck Pain and How a Physical Therapist Can Help 

Neck pain is a common condition that can arise from various causes, including injuries, poor posture, emotional stress, and age-related wear and tear. It not only affects the neck itself but can also lead to symptoms such as headaches, and pain, tingling, or numbness...

How Physical Therapy Can Help with Multiple Sclerosis

How Physical Therapy Can Help with Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease with a high level of unpredictability. It occurs when the immune system of a person directly attacks the nerve fibers as well as the sheathing that surrounds those nerve fibers. As a result, inflammation occurs. This...

Stroke Rehabilitation is Essential for Healing

Stroke Rehabilitation is Essential for Healing

If you have recently experienced a stroke, it is imperative to understand that the recovery process is a lifelong process. For most, recovery starts with a formal level of rehabilitation – such as physical therapy. You and your family should always know where you are...

How Physical Therapists Help Treat Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

How Physical Therapists Help Treat Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

If you have had the unfortunate experience of being recently diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, it is quite likely that you are currently feeling frustrated, hopeless, and sad. You likely initiated the visit to your doctor to get relief from the pain and...

How Does Physical Therapy Help Dementia Patients?

How Does Physical Therapy Help Dementia Patients?

Dementia is a condition that cannot be reversed and cannot be cured; however, there are treatments available that aid in slowing symptoms and increase the amount of time a sufferer may live as normally as possible. One of the most effective treatments for Alzheimer's...

Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

If you are reading this, it is quite likely that you have a loved one with cerebral palsy and that you are attempting to uncover treatments that will aid them with their condition. Given the fact that cerebral palsy is a condition that negatively impacts a person’s...

How Can Physical Therapy Help People with Alzheimer’s Disease?

How Can Physical Therapy Help People with Alzheimer’s Disease?

While there is currently no cure, there is a bit of hope. It has been established that physical therapy has the potential to help people who suffer from Alzheimer's Disease. Movement prescribed by a Physical Therapist can help with strength, balance, brain function,...

How Physical Therapy Helps ALS Patients

How Physical Therapy Helps ALS Patients

ALS – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or “Lou Gehrig’s disease” – is a neurodegenerative progressive disease that negatively affects both the motor neurons that are located within the brain and in the spinal cord. These neurons are special nerve cells that are...

Does Physical Therapy Help Your Joints?

Does Physical Therapy Help Your Joints?

Physical therapy is very effective at treating joint conditions and diseases. It can help your muscles become stronger and much more flexible. It can also help alleviate joint pain, and train your body to perform activities without complication. Joint conditions are...

All About Repetitive Strain Injuries and Recovery

All About Repetitive Strain Injuries and Recovery

A repetitive strain injury is one that is caused by repetitive motions and continuous use. In turn, damage occurs to the tendons, the muscles, and/or the nerves. In some instances, medical professionals refer to these types of injuries as “repetitive stress injuries.”...

Elbow Pain Causes: 10 Types of Elbow Injuries

Elbow Pain Causes: 10 Types of Elbow Injuries

There are many different types of injuries that can cause elbow pain in adults. Symptoms of these injuries include swelling, inflammation, and of course, pain. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, read on to find the possible cause. The elbow joint is...

What is Bursitis and How Does it Affect the Body?

What is Bursitis and How Does it Affect the Body?

Bursitis is a condition that results in painful inflammation within the bursa or bursae. Bursae are relatively small sacs filled with fluid that provide a cushion of the areas around bones and various types of tissue throughout the body. They offer protection for the...

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome – often referred to as “CTS”, for short – is a relatively common neurological-based disorder. It develops when the median nerve becomes pressed down or becomes squeezed. Compression and/or pressure within the carpal tunnel cause the condition to...

Physical Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases

Physical Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases are the third most common culprit behind chronic illnesses in the United States. While generally considered to be rare, these types of diseases impact up to 8% of the total population within the country. According to research, the prevalence of...

Physical Therapy for Sinus Problems

Physical Therapy for Sinus Problems

There are many different types of sinus problems that impact individuals. If you are reading this, chances are, you suffer from one or more of these issues. Chronic sinusitis – alone – impacts in excess of 31 million people throughout the United States. That is just...

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