To Do or Not To Do

I don’t floss every day.  Not that you really want to know my oral hygiene. I’m telling you this because I empathize with my patients who don’t do their exercises. Many times, once I close the door to the treatment room, my little space turns into a confessional as...

The gift of Giving

I have two children, Simon and Hannah.  Hannah’s only two and a half. She doesn’t quite get what all of the commotion is about.  Simon is five.  He knows what’s going on. Simon is very excited about Christmas.  As most American children, (in my opinion) he’s excited...

Spring – A New Beginning?

The weather has given us a taste of springtime lately – evidenced by the significant increase of walkers, runners, and cyclists I meet on the road. I am returning to running after a 6 month hiatus and noticing some familiar aches and pains that are talking to me again...
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